Collegeville Station - lower level - 50 West 3rd Ave, Collegeville, PA 19426 610-489-6281
Essential Defense System - “Protect Yourself”
In 2004, Aloia Sensei was asked by the local community center to run a self defense program. This program, in development since 2000, would give participants with no prior martial arts training the opportunity to learn a series of defensive skill-sets along with experiencing the benefits of a personal protection class.
The program, labeled, Essential Defense, is based on Aikido principles and defensive approaches as taught by Aloia Sensei in his daily classes. The course is also peppered with other elements borrowed from the various arts studied by Aloia Sensei over the course of his training and experience.
In 2006 the program took new shape in the form of a DVD series titled the Essential Defense System - E.D.S.. The three volume set begins with basic, fundamental movements while integrating scenario training. These simple yet effective techniques provide practitioners with the tools needed to subdue and control a situation quickly, efficiently and with confidence. E.D.S. is a simplified system of learning and teaching - it is not an art or style.
The system is quite simple. Based on just five action words: Move, Connect, Strike, Takedown, Control. Step-by-step, anyone can effectively learn to defend themselves, regardless of experience, using natural and flowing movements. The Essential Defense System will teach you to “use your entire body as a weapon.”
With DVDs sold worldwide and featured in TKD Times, the Essential Defense System has provided Law Enforcement, Public and Private Security Agencies, business, community centers, women’s groups and individuals alike the ability to learn, grow and protect themselves.
The Essential Defense System has worked with Tac-Med LLC providing self protection tactics for EMS, First Responders and Public Safety Professionals. E.D.S. has also worked with the Pottstown Guardian Angels Chapter, Operational Medicinel Research Group LLC and the Rescuer Mindset Program including Aloia Sensei co-authoring the book Rescuer Mindset - see below.
A DVD: EMS Defensive Tactics is now available - see below.
Classes on Handgun Retention are now being offered - see “Events” schedule for dates, times and locations. Workshops can be scheduled by contacting the dojo.
The Basic Program/DVD Series Volume One introduces the foundation learning paradigm of five simple principles making up the Essential Defense System (E.D.S.). Developed for individuals with no prior martial arts experience, Volume One demonstrates simplistic movements, strikes and takedowns. Also includes a section on Women’s Self Defense.
Volume Two expands your defensive options through a variety of movements and controlling fundamentals. Adding to what was covered in Volume One, Volume Two integrates the use of grabbing and trapping, joint locks, intermediate striking and transitional movements that will lend to a stronger, well-organized defensive position.
Volume Three continues to expand your defensive options from more vulnerable positions and situations. Taking from what was learned in Volumes One and Two, Volume Three teaches tactics from the ground, approaches for dealing with weapon attacks, escaping from confined spaces and basic falling.
Rescuer Mindset by Michael Aloia, Brian P. Pasquale, Pamela Aloia book - NEW click image to order
Rescuer Mindset has been written as the initial first steps to achieving a confident mental state by exploring the mind, body and spirit connections. This book helps the individual become more aware of others and themselves, and offers techniques to begin developing a positive, unstoppable mindset. Though geared towards those who work as Public Safety Professionals: EMS, Police, Firefighters, Rescuer Mindset can be easily applied to any walk of life, employment and/or situation. The concepts are universal and interchangeable. It will then be possible for the individual to adopt these doctrines as part of their everyday life as a means to accomplish and attain what they so desire. 2011 March Baby Publishing 220 pages paperback
How Aikido Can Change the World by Michael Aloia book click image to order
Aikido, as a martial art, embraces both the physical aspects of enhancement as well as the spiritual growth of the individual. Each practitioner discovers and journeys their own unique path – gaining a new perspective of the world around them and of themselves. How Aikido Can Change the World is a road map of that journey of discovery. This book discusses Aikido beyond the physical aspects. While Aikido is a physical martial way, its philosophies and peripherals carry over far into a practitioner’s world if proper focus and realization are maintained. The author conveys his expedition of the art gained through personal experience, exploration and integration. How Aikido Can Change the World is definitely one that will be read multiple times, as each reading will provide further insight as the Aikido practitioner develops and grows. Change the World and become a fan of How Aikido Can Change the World at Facebook.com 2009 105 pages paperback
For orders outside the United States, please contact us for International Shipping Rates
If you are looking to experience Essential Defense and/or Aikido, Sensei is available to conduct seminars, workshops or special classes demonstrating the many facets of this multi level art. Please contact the Dojo for more information.
“A pebble cast into a pond creates ripples. Aikido is the pebble. We are the ripples.”
Collegeville Station - Lower Level 50 West 3rd Ave, Collegeville, PA 19426 610-489-6281 Copyright 2000-2023 ASA LLC