Collegeville Station - lower level - 50 West 3rd Ave, Collegeville, PA 19426 610-489-6281
NOW Available!
AUI Aiki Foundations: Buki DVD
DVD demonstrates a complete weapons program that can be used in conjunction with an empty hand curriculum covering the Aiki weapons: bokken, jo and tanto. Includes stances, strikes, kata, partner drills and defenses.
DVD: $19.99USD plus $4.00USD S/H Click here to order
Asahikan Dojo’s Aikido 1, 2, 3 a beginner’s first steps
Includes basic falling and movement exercises along with the first five techniques: ikkyo, nikkyo, sankyo, yonkyo and gokkyo, weapons, knee walking and much more. 27 minutes
DVD: $14.99US each plus S/H $4.00US
The Perfect Storm: a Woman in Aikido with Pamela Aloia
In an art where size, strength or gender are not a factor, women make perfect candidates for Aikido training. Through a female perspective, this DVD displays the art’s multi-faceted approach to natural but dynamic movement -emphasizing the daily practice of zazen, meditation, for clarity and enhancement of one’s training. 30 minutes
DVD: $19.99US each plus S/H $4.00US
Aikido - an art in motion DVDs with Michael and Pamela Aloia
This DVD focuses on the principle of Movement (dosa) and demonstrates several aikido techniques including irimi, sumiotoshi, kokyunage, koshinage, kokyuho, iriminage and kotegaeshi and ukemi 33 minutes
DVD: $17.99US each plus S/H $4.00US
Connection is the cornerstone of Aikido development. This DVD offers a variety of techniques to demonstrate Connection and it relationship to movement and execution. 43 minutes
DVD: $19.99US each plus S/H $4.00US
Control is the pinnacle of technique performance. The DVD displays numerous examples of Aikido techniques demonstrating control through irimi – entering, kuzushi – taking of balance, kake – execution, paths of motion and with ukemi – falling. 32 minutes
DVD: $19.99US each plus S/H $4.00US
E.D.S. EMS Defensive Tactics Volume 1 NEW
This DVD demonstrates basic, fundamental defensive tactics that EMS, First Responders and other Public Safety Professionals can use to safely restrain and control a situation in the event it becomes physical.
A series of common scenarios including stand up encounters, pushing, against a wall, on the ground and confined spaces are explored. Though each encounter is different, similar concepts and techniques will be used for distinction, retention and application. Approx 27 minutes
DVD: $16.99US plus S/H $4.00US
Aikido Comes to America” by Antonio Aloia Tambuli Media 2020
Read about Aikido’s early journey in America and the story of those who made it possible.
Order on Amazon here
Rescuer Mindset by Michael Aloia, Brian P. Pasquale, Pamela Aloia
Rescuer Mindset has been written as the initial first steps to achieving a confident mental state by exploring the mind, body and spirit connections. This book helps the individual become more aware of others and themselves, and offers techniques to begin developing a positive, unstoppable mindset. Though geared towards those who work as Public Safety Professionals: EMS, Police, Firefighters, Rescuer Mindset can be easily applied to any walk of life, employment and/or situation. The concepts are universal and interchangeable. It will then be possible for the individual to adopt these doctrines as part of their everyday life as a means to accomplish and attain what they so desire.
Order on Amazon here
How Aikido Can Change the World by Michael Aloia
Order on Amazon here
PDF download only $2.99 - click here
Aikido, as a martial art, embraces both the physical aspects of enhancement as well as the spiritual growth of the individual. Each practitioner discovers and journeys their own unique path – gaining a new perspective of the world around them and of themselves. How Aikido Can Change the World is a road map of that journey of discovery. This book discusses Aikido beyond the physical aspects. While Aikido is a physical martial way, its philosophies and peripherals carry over far into a practitioner’s world if proper focus and realization are maintained. The author conveys his expedition of the art gained through personal experience, exploration and integration. How Aikido Can Change the World is definitely one that will be read multiple times, as each reading will provide further insight as the Aikido practitioner develops and grows. Change the World and become a fan of How Aikido Can Change the World at Facebook.com
March Baby Media 2009
Essential Basics of Self Defense by Michael Aloia 2010 a practical guide for choosing, training and benefiting from a self protection program. This book contains a PC DVD of the E.D.S Volume One course
Book/PC DVD: $17.99 US each plus S/H $4.00US.
Currently OUT OF STOCK
To order the book only without DVD click here: Order paperback book only
The Daily Cloak offers a unique, easy-to-apply array of spiritual essentials for creating a serene tapestry of clarity and protection for every day living. The guide provides background explaining why energetic protection and clarity is needed and reviews a variety of ways to maintain that energetic state. The informative framework, proposed methods, and sample applications explored, construct a solid foundation on which to build or enhance daily energetic practices and awareness.
Order on Amazon here
52 Pick Me Up by Pamela Aloia 2nd Edition 2011 is a weekly inspirational roadmap to inner awareness. The weekly writings include metaphors with easy-to-relate-to aspects and links them with perceptions of inner spirit awareness. Also included with the weekly messages are exercises and affirmations that complement and enhance your personal spiritual development.
223 pages, paperback,
Order on Amazon here
Spiritual Health Nurturing Healthy Change by Pamela Aloia 2020 Edition
Having issues achieving your dreams or reaching your goals? This book offers an understanding of how energy, thoughts, and love affect our ability and speed with which we get from one point to another in this game of life. Through diligent focus on a desired change coupled with an awareness of our thoughts and feelings surrounding the goal, takes us to our destinations with greater flow and quicker success.
Order on Amazon here 2020 March Baby Publishing
For orders outside the United States, please contact us for International Shipping Rates
If you are looking to experience Aikido, Sensei is available to conduct seminars, workshops or special classes demonstrating the many facets of this multi level art. Please contact the Dojo for more information.
“A pebble cast into a pond creates ripples. Aikido is the pebble. We are the ripples.”
Collegeville Station - Lower Level 50 West 3rd Ave, Collegeville, PA 19426 610-489-6281 Copyright 2000-2023 ASA LLC